MCC ASSOCIATE IN APPLED SCIENCE to UCM BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE-­‐BUSINESS: Animal Science YEARS 1 AND 2 AT MCC Complete the Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree and include the following courses in the A.A.S. course of study: UCM equivalencies in parenthesis Minimum Hours General Education Requirements & Prerequisites 28 COLL 100 First Year Seminar 1 BIOL 101 General Biology (BIOL 1110) OR BIOL 106 General Zoology (BIOL 1112) 5 ENGL 101 Composition & Reading I (ENGL 1020) 3 ENGL 102 Composition & Reading II (ENGL 1030) 3 SPDR 100 Fundamentals of Speech (COMM 1000) 3 HIST 120 United States History to 1865 (HIST 1350) 3 BIOL 208 Microbiology (BIOL 3610) 5 CHEM 105 Introductory Chemistry (CHEM 1104) 5 Specific Program Requirements 50 VETT 100 Veterinary Practice Management 2 VETT 101 Principles of Animal Science I 4 VETT 108 Clinical Mathematics for Veterinary Techs 1 VETT 110 Principles of Animal Science II 4 VETT 111 Sanitation and Animal Care 2 VETT 200 Veterinary Hospital Technology I 3 VETT 201 Clinical Pathology Techniques 4 VETT 202 Veterinary Anatomy 5 VETT 203 Laboratory Animal Technology 2 VETT 209 Equine Medicine and Management 3 VETT 210 Veterinary Hospital Technology II 3 VETT 211 Clinical Pathology Techniques II 5 VETT 212 Large Animal Technology 4 VETT 213 Radiology and Electronic Procedures 2 VETT 214 Veterinary Technician Preceptorship 6 YEARS 3 AND 4 AT UCM Major Requirements AGRI 1100 Introduction to Agriculture AGRI 1300 Introductory Plant Science AGRI 2330 Introduction to Soil Science AGRI 3110 Agri-­‐Business Management AGRI 3610 Agriculture Pest Management AGRI 2315 Agronomy II: Forages AGRI 3410 Animal Breeding AGRI 3414 Meat Science AGRI 3420 Animal Nutrition AGRI 4415 Reproduction of Farm Animals AGRI 4430 Animal Science: Beef AGRI 4435 Animal Science: Pork ICAP 4101 Agriculture Capstone Experience General Education Requirements Specific to Major AGRI 2130 Global Agriculture MATH 1111 College Algebra ECON 1010 Macroeconomics LIS 1600 University Library & Research Skills COMM 3010 Interpersonal Communication Free General Education Electives* 2013 34 1 1 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 14 3 3 3 2 3 12 *Exact hours may vary depending on transfer coursework. Areas required in Social & Behavioral Sciences, Literature and Humanities and Fine Arts. Minimum Hours Required for A.A.S.: 78 Minimum Hours Required for B.S.: 138 MCC ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE to UCM BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE-­‐BUSINESS: Animal Science VALIDITY OF THIS TRANSFER GUIDE This guide is based on the UCM 2012 Undergraduate Catalog and is subject to change. This guide is a recommendation only and your actual program may vary. Time to degree completion and course sequencing will depend on any credits transferred to UCM and on planned placement in math, reading, and writing. See the current UCM Undergraduate Catalog and MCC Course Catalog for a complete listing of academic policies, curriculum, prerequisites, and course descriptions. GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS Students who hold an A.A.S. degree from MCC or have met the Missouri 42-­‐hour General Education core requirements are considered to have fulfilled all UCM General Education requirements except: 1 Personal Interaction. This general education requirement can be fulfilled by any of the following MCC courses: PHED 126, PHED 157, PHIL 203, PSYC 144, or SPDR 103. Integrative Studies. This requirement is fulfilled by taking ICAP 4101 in Division IV of UCM’s General Education program. This course can only be completed at UCM. Any major required general education course not previously taken. For those students with an associate degree other than the Associate of Arts or who have not completed the A.A. degree, transfer courses are evaluated on a course-­‐by-­‐course basis. REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS MAJOR Minimum of 120 hours Minimum of 30 hours of upper-­‐level credit (3000/4000 level). Courses taken at a two-­‐year college MAY be articulated for an upper-­‐level course but WILL NOT count towards upper-­‐level hour requirements. Minimum of 12 hours of upper-­‐level credit (3000/4000 level) in major No minor is required for this degree. No modern language is required for this degree. RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS FOR A DEGREE AT UCM A candidate for any bachelor’s degree must have earned the following minimum hours at UCM: 30 hours overall 20 upper-­‐level hours (3000/4000 level courses) 15 hours in the major 9 upper-­‐level hours in the major 9 hours in minor (if applicable) 1 upper-­‐level hour in minor (if applicable) The last 12 semester hours required for the degree GPA REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION Students must achieve a minimum GPA of 2.00 in all GPAs to qualify for graduation. This includes cumulative GPA, UCM GPA, major GPA, and minor GPA (if applicable). Some degrees have additional GPA requirements. 2013 DUAL ADMISSION Students are encouraged to apply for dual admission during their first semester at MCC to coordinate associate degree completion with degree requirements at UCM. To learn more visit GENERAL EDUCATION ASSESSMENT All UCM students are required to pass a General Education Assessment (GEA). Students transferring in more than 45 hours are required to take the test during their first semester at UCM. To learn more visit CATALOGS MCC catalog: UCM catalog: TRANSFER WORK Arrange for all transfer work to be posted at UCM at the time of application. An official transcript must be received at UCM directly from each school attended. Individual transfer equivalencies can be found online at Transcripts can be sent to: University of Central Missouri, Office of Admissions, Ward Edwards 1400, Warrensburg, MO 64093 UCM TRANSFER ADVISORS UCM transfer advisors are housed in the Gateway Advising and Major Exploration Center located in the Ward Edwards Building in room 1900. Visit to find out who your transfer advisor is. Contact your advisor by calling (660) 543-­‐4721 or by e-­‐mail UCM ADVISING SERVICES ON MCC CAMPUSES UCM offers advising services to MCC students on MCC campuses. Contact the Office of Admissions to learn about times and locations; by telephone at (660) 543-­‐4290 or by e-­‐mail UCM DEPARTMENT CONTACT The School of Environmental, Physical, and Applied Sciences is located in Humphreys 225. The Program Coordinator is Dr. Fanson Kidwaro. Contact him by telephone at (660) 543-­‐8827 or by e-­‐mail To learn more visit